Implicit Association Test (IAT)

A psychological test used to measure implicit biases.

  1. Implicit Association Test: Dissecting Cognitive Prejudices (Cognitive Science)
  2. Hidden Dangers of Introspective Prompts (AI Secrets)
  3. Hidden Dangers of Declarative Prompts (AI Secrets)
  4. Hidden Dangers of Neutral Prompts (AI Secrets)
  5. Decoding Cognitive Science: Fixed vs. Growth Mindset (Psychological Concepts)
  6. Conscious Vs. Unconscious Bias: Impact on Productivity (Outlined)
  7. Secret Dangers Of Brand Marketing (Traps)
  8. The Dark Side of Anchoring Prompts (AI Secrets)
  9. The Dark Side of Dynamic Prompting (AI Secrets)
  10. The Dark Side of Information Retrieval (AI Secrets)
  11. Direct vs Indirect Evaluation Methods (Choosing Tools)
  12. Objective vs Subjective Evaluation (Bias in Training)