Inhibition mechanisms
Processes in the brain that regulate behavior and prevent impulsive actions.
- Cognitive Science: Working Memory vs. Short-Term Memory (Differences)
- Active Listening: Encoding Vs. Retrieval (Cognitive Differences)
- Active Listening: Recognition Vs. Recall (Cognitive Perspective)
- Digit Span Test: Short-Term Memory & Cognition (Insights)
- Schemas Vs. Scripts in Cognitive Gamification (Contrasts)
- Insulin Vs. Glucagon: Roles in Clearing Fog
- Medial Prefrontal Cortex vs. Orbitofrontal Cortex (Neuroscience Tips)
- Saccades vs. Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements (Neuroscience Tips)
- Transient vs. Sustained Neural Activity (Neuroscience Tips)