Position sizing

Positioning - the placement of a product or service in the market.

  1. Half Kelly Gotchas (Hidden Dangers)
  2. Kelly Criterion Vs. Capital Growth Theory (Deciphered)
  3. Kelly Criterion Vs Sharpe Ratio (Clarified)
  4. Volatility Scaling Gotchas (Hidden Dangers)
  5. Full Kelly Gotchas (Hidden Dangers)
  6. How to Understand Stocks Without a Finance Degree (Investment Banking Insights)
  7. Kelly Criterion Vs Anti-Martingale Strategy (Defined)
  8. Market Making Vs. Proprietary Trading: Trading Styles (Explained)
  9. Fixed Fractional Vs Kelly Criterion (Deciphered)
  10. Payoff Ratio Gotchas (Hidden Dangers)
  11. Limitations of Market Trend Following (Creative Writing Hacks)
  12. Proportional Betting Gotchas (Hidden Dangers)
  13. Risk Reward Ratio Gotchas (Hidden Dangers)
  14. Sequential Investment Strategy Gotchas (Hidden Dangers)
  15. Absolute Advantage Vs. Comparative Advantage (Triangular Arbitrage)
  16. Kelly Criterion: Risk of Ruin Vs Drawdown (Unpacked)
  17. Positive Expectancy Gotchas (Hidden Dangers)
  18. Triangular Arbitrage: Arbitrageur Vs. Speculator (Decoded)
  19. Triangular Arbitrage: Interest Rates Vs. Inflation (Impacts)
  20. Kelly Criterion in Poker Vs Stock Trading (Explained)
  21. Kelly Criterion Gotchas (Hidden Dangers)
  22. Fixed Fractional Betting Gotchas (Hidden Dangers)
  23. Bid Vs. Ask Prices (Triangular Arbitrage Explained)
  24. How to Understand Derivatives Without a Math Degree (Investment Banking Hints)
  25. Kelly Criterion: Volatility Vs Expected Returns (Unpacked)
  26. Understanding DeFi: Decoding the Death Cross (Trading Guide)
  27. Equity Research Vs. Sales and Trading: Roles (Clarified)
  28. Stop Loss Gotchas (Hidden Dangers)
  29. Slippage Vs. Skew (Triangular Arbitrage Clarified)
  30. Naked Option Vs. Covered Option: Risk Mitigation (Unpacked)
  31. Put Option Vs. Call Option: Negotiating Rights (Unveiled)
  32. Triangular Arbitrage: Spot Vs. Forward Market (Contrasted)
  33. Negative Expectancy Gotchas (Hidden Dangers)
  34. Maximum Drawdown Gotchas (Hidden Dangers)
  35. Market Timing Gotchas (Hidden Dangers)
  36. Kelly Criterion: Full Vs Fractional Kelly (Compared)
  37. Prop Trading Vs Flow Trading: Distinct Strategies (Unveiled)
  38. DeFi Terms: Flash Loans Decoded (Advanced Strategies)