Principal amount

The original amount of a loan or investment.

  1. Syndicated Loans Vs. Bonds: Corporate Financing (Explored)
  2. Making Sense of Amortization (Plan Your Payments)
  3. Understanding Open vs. Closed Mortgages (Choose Wisely)
  4. Payment Method Vs. Financing Options: Financial Arrangements
  5. Negotiating: Joint Vs. Sole Mortgages (Explained)
  6. Negotiating: Interest-Only Vs. Repayment Mortgages (Insights)
  7. Negotiating: Balloon Vs. Amortizing Loans (Insights)
  8. Demystifying Bridge Loans (Are They Right for You?)
  9. Comparing Fixed-Rate vs Variable-Rate Mortgages (Clear Guide)
  10. Real Estate Financing: Credit Score Vs. Down Payment (Decoded)
  11. After purchasing a home, when is the first payment due?
  12. Equity Capital Markets Vs. Debt Capital Markets: Divisions (Defined)
  13. Convertible Bonds Vs. Warrants: Hybrid Securities (Clarified)
  14. Negotiating: Interest Rate Vs. APR (Explained)
  15. Payment Vs. Installments: Financial Flexibility (Examined)
  16. Negotiating: Long-Term Vs. Short-Term Mortgages (Unpacked)
  17. Real Estate Financing: Secured Vs. Unsecured Loans (Exposed)
  18. Real Estate Financing: Home Equity Vs. Refinancing (Decoded)
  19. Negotiating: Blanket Vs. Package Mortgages (Demystified)
  20. What Are the Different Real Estate Investment Tools You Need to Succeed? (9 Simple Questions Answered)
  21. Comparing Home Equity Loans and Lines (A Simple Guide)
  22. Real Estate Financing: Fully Amortized Vs. Partially Amortized (Clarified)
  23. Exponential Growth Gotchas (Hidden Dangers)