Tuition and fees

  1. Understanding Tuition and Fees (Plan Your Budget)
  2. Understanding Tuition and Fees for Associate Degrees (Plan Your Budget)
  3. Financial Aid for Associate Programs (Maximize Your Aid)
  4. Understanding Your College Acceptance Letter (Decipher the Details)
  5. Credit Hours and Course Loads (Manage Your Schedule)
  6. What is the process for obtaining a second Bachelor's Degree in California? (6 Common Questions Answered)
  7. Dual Enrollment: High School and College (Maximize Your Time)
  8. Financial Aid Appeal Process (Get the Aid You Need)
  9. How to graduate high school with an associates degree? (5 Main Questions Answered)
  10. Military and Veterans: Navigating Associate Degrees (Know Your Benefits)
  11. What is the average age of bachelor degree graduates? (6 Common Questions Answered)